Silver Lake Wildlife Sanctuary
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Let's protect urban
wildlife in Silver Lake



By preserving the open waters of the Silver Lake Reservoirs and their surrounding acreage as a sanctuary, our mission is to create a protected habitat for migratory birds and urban wildlife, to be enjoyed by all.

From Los Angeles Audubon Society:

"Silver Lake Reservoir is a popular birding site and is important for resident and migratory birds. Birders have recorded observations of over 140 species at the reservoir on the eBird website and have visited it annually for the Christmas Bird Count since the early 1900s."
"These observations show the persistent use of Silver Lake Reservoir and surrounding grounds as a site for wintering and breeding birds."

– Los Angeles Audubon Society, March 2017, Statement on the Future Management of Silver Lake Reservoir

Read Full Statement Here:


We believe the surrounding neighborhood and the entire city of Los Angeles would welcome the Reservoirs being a Wildlife Sanctuary, which would perpetuate and add to the iconic beauty and historic nature of Silver Lake. Specifically:

1. To create a wildlife sanctuary and migratory bird refuge, establishing a permanent protected habitat for them, with fencing retained. All current public use facilities would remain.

2. To provide a location for bird watching, educational field trips, and nature walks. It is an ecological haven in densely populated Los Angeles.

3. To provide an invaluable open water resource for migratory birds traversing the entire Pacific Flyway, including all of California.

Lastly, the determination of the Silver Lake Reservoir Master Plan states—which we support:
After extensive discussion, an overwhelming consensus emerged at the workshops in support of passive recreational uses and ... opposition to all forms of active recreational uses in the areas opened to the public.”


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